Amanda Rogers CPCC, PCC, CEC, SEP Amanda Rogers CPCC, PCC, CEC, SEP

Wanting More Out of Life

Let’s find inspiration in our accomplishments. By acknowledging the distance we’ve already traveled, we can enjoy our arrival, appreciate the efforts made to get there, and map out a deliberate travel plan for the next leg of our journey.

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Amanda Rogers CPCC, PCC, CEC, SEP Amanda Rogers CPCC, PCC, CEC, SEP

My Identity: Who Am I?

Get this…when we’re born we like ourselves. We have no negative self-talk. In other words, we’re not pulled from our mother’s womb apologetic for having taken 22 hours to make our way down the birth canal. We don’t chastise ourselves if we drip placenta on the doctor’s shoes.

This is our birthright… to be who we are. To not make life decisions based on the level of approval we get from others. What kind of a life would open up for us if we could do that? Think about it.

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Amanda Rogers CPCC, PCC, CEC, SEP Amanda Rogers CPCC, PCC, CEC, SEP

How Do I Make Changes?

In my own life I have set forth on a mission to change a quality that does not serve me. A tweak, if you will, on the original design. Nothing too enormous but the change could have enormous positive results.

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Amanda Rogers CPCC, PCC, CEC, SEP Amanda Rogers CPCC, PCC, CEC, SEP

Why Can't I Make up my Mind?

Here's the challenge. Next decision to be made...don't think about it. Place your options on either side of a coin - then flip it. When the random choice has been made - read your body for clues to what you really want. Your breath will either exhale with contented relief or utter dread. We know what those two experiences feel like in our body. You will have your answer. Just remember not to think and trust that your nervous system will reveal which decision feels right.

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