Amanda Rogers CPCC, PCC, CEC, SEP Amanda Rogers CPCC, PCC, CEC, SEP

The Human Shadow

I thought about what I have held prisoner in my own cage. I thought about how impatient I can be to recover those pieces of me and bring them back into the light where I now understand they belong and have their place. I realized I couldn’t just drag them out of isolation and expect them to run free. It takes time. It takes love and it takes patience. With this newfound insight, instead of forcing Sam through the narrow door of the cage, I disassembled the cage around him. I breathed deeply with the knowledge that he needed space and he would come out when he was ready.

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Amanda Rogers CPCC, PCC, CEC, SEP Amanda Rogers CPCC, PCC, CEC, SEP

Why Can't I Make up my Mind?

Here's the challenge. Next decision to be made...don't think about it. Place your options on either side of a coin - then flip it. When the random choice has been made - read your body for clues to what you really want. Your breath will either exhale with contented relief or utter dread. We know what those two experiences feel like in our body. You will have your answer. Just remember not to think and trust that your nervous system will reveal which decision feels right.

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